Friday, November 25, 2011

Guide for this Winter

Booo! Hello World & Wonderland
Before i rush of to study for my french test on wednesday (wish me the best!) i´ll take some time for explaining how i plan to get through winter. it had the first snow of the year in my hometown. And allthough it´s industry-snow that makes us all shiver we enjoy that taste of nature.

So here are some tips for this winter so you don´t drift into unhappiness.
  1. Visit a Christmas-Market
    with your friends. Drink some tea, have some biscuits... there´s sure a market like this around.
  2. Bake biscuits yourself.
    Try out new stuff or use the way your granny did it. Then let friends and family be your experiment-guinny-pig.
  3. Go outside!
    You don´t have to make snowball fights or build snowmans. Yust take a walk and maybe take some pictures to look at later.
  4. Make a movie night.
    invite the girls/guys, make a sleepover and watch your favourite movies together.
So share your personal tips in writing comments!
pine aple


V.I.P. said...

this would be so wondaaaaful,but it's hard to find time for these things with all the time,school and christmas rush!!!

pine aple said...

yeah, i have to agree, that´s hard. :( the worst thing is the fact that media makes even more stress. christmas songs,-movies, -commercials and that since weeks. so it seems that christmas comes even faster!

D.P said...

Keep calm
and calm down from school rush!

I love chrismas markets !!!!
I would go there everytime I have just two minutes to relax..
And I love the punch!!! Sweet and hot for my (always freezing hands)!
I just love chrismas!!! ^ ^

when i saw u the first time i fell in love... and u smiled cause u knew said...

i <3 christmas... it's the best time!! Summer, spring and fall are nothing against winter...
What i like best about winter is when you come home from a long walk through the snow, you drink a hot cup of tea and talk about anything that comes into your mind...
ps: i forgot my old user name so that's my new one...

when i saw u the first time... said...

i think u know who i am now :)

A.I not when i saw u <= :) said...

oh, i know my name again: A.I
isn't that great ?
oh, im soo crazy today...(don't know why, but it's funny)

A.I said...

i'm soo tired... :0
i should go to bed...
good night :) !!
soo tired !!

pine aple said...

Haha, guys. u know i love you but i have to say this once more, it´s quite cute how you make this blog yours in a wonderful way.

@anonymous identity, short A.I.:
it´s cool if you give yourself a new name´but if you stick to the first one it would be cool if you always write it as a whole because A.I. ruins that cool name.

@dreamy person, short D.P.
your short sign reminds me of the mathematical "Directly Proportional" and it´s sad to shorten such a cool name. anyway, punch rox, christmas markets make addicted and i´ll try to keep calm and rock life. ^^

oh, and
@anonymous identity:
sorry, but fall beats winter in my eyes. but i know what you mean. that´s pure magic. :) sleep well. sweatest dreams, hun!

xoxo pine aple

V.I.P. said...

people !!!!!!!!!!!! why are you born if you don't enjoy summer most of the year???
so now i write down something that should change your mind: imagen you lie on the beach touching the sand and the shells with your back and the sea-water under your feet, in one hand a watermelon, in the other one an ice cream. You're wearing a cute bikini top and hot pants. Palms and a beautiful blue sky above you listening to a great new summer hit and in your nose the smell of your wet curled salt-water hair.smiling, reading a magazine or just thinking of HIM!!
yeah,i also LOVE winter and christmas and all that stuff, but in my eyes summer is a lot better!!

pine aple said...

Uh, girl, that´s good and fine but now imagine walking through a park with redish leaves around you. The light seems golden through the thin treetops and the guy you like holds your hand tight because you somewhen said something about being cold. You wear supercool fishnet-hand-cover-thingies, your beloved chuckz and a long jacket. The wind catches in your hair and the leaves crunch under your feet. When you come home you enjoy a cup of fruit tea and lean back with the rest of your halloween-sweeties. Then you look outside and see that amazing sunset matched with your deep smile ´cause of this wonderful autuumn day.
but let´s not fight about seasons, kaay? xoxo

V.I.P. said...

i would never fight with you i sometimes go for a walk with my dog and think of the best things in every season after that i try to do all the things i dreamt of...and again a need of TIME

pine aple said...

Naaah, we could neeeever fight, honey. Theres something special in every single season. :))

Anonym - Identity said...

my name isn't anonymous identity c:...
it's anonym identity :P <= (don't know if i wrote that correctly)<=(doesn't matter)
pine aple: but my name is soo long (it's not that long but u know...)
i will try to write my full name, but i can't promise i'll do it every time i'm on wondaa... :)

Anonym - Identity said...

yea, fall's great too...
but winter's the BEST !! :P

V.I.P. said...

okaaaay... people let's just get back to the question pine apl asked us "SHARE YOUR PERSONAL TIPS IN WRITING COMMENTS" beeecause i have a great idea:YOU should go ice skating!!!! why? because it's fun, sport, cheap, something you can do with your friends and a winter-activity which makes your winter even betterand you'll always remember in. SOOOO GUYS if you have the chance then go ice skating!!!!!

pine aple said...

Sorry for mistaking your name...! Yaaay, ice skating! Uh, and thanxx for reminding everyonw of my question!

Sookie said...

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i went to christkindlmarket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

V.I.P. said...

oh, me either and i made a candle myself!!

pine aple said...

Yay, sookie! CHRISTKINLDMARKT!!!! went with V.I.P, A.I., D.P. and another friend today.

V.I.P. said...

i still have the "PUNCH-TASTE" in my mouth mmmmmmmmmmmhhhh...

Anonym - Identity said...

pine aple: doesn't matter... :))
u can also go 'kerzenziehen' <= if u don't know what that is, google it... :P

pine aple said...

yup GOOOGLE it and if you haven´t ever tried it...go and get a heart...uh i mean a candle. :-[

D.P said...

Guys there is nothing better than listen to viva music and make pancakes ALONE in the morning when nobody has time for you. But you just enjoy it to be alone and chat with you pancakes!

pine aple said...

VIVA wecker rocks!
VIVA rocks!
pancakes rock!
we rock (cuz of the fact we´re wondaaful!)

V.I.P. said...

guys with this comment i wrote the 25th one.that's the highest number of comments in wondaaa history

REAL COMMENT:yeah, viva is great but i can't imagen myself talking to pancakes sry d.p. but no

pine aple said...

ME: oh, hello mister pancake! how are you today (<--with faked british accent)
ME: hello? would you maybe talk to me?
ME: Oh you freakin´peace of food!
ME: oh, now i know why u don´t answer! you don´t speak my language! Tu parles francais?
you think i´m funny? i´m not. -.-´

V.I.P. said...

okaaaaaaaaaaayy... i maybe should just do as if this would be KIND OF NORMAL and forget about it

pine aple said...

Yup so letz pretend that were normal. As always. XD

V.I.P. said...

as always... XD no, not joking i really enjoy being different well i almost can say that i <3 it

pine aple said...

yup, true. makes me feel special. :D

V.I.P. said...

fuuuuck now we got more than 30 shouts

the dreamfactory said...

Ouou, and we celebrate that with swearwords!? Lg pine aple
And greets from sookie that cant post cuz of stress.

V.I.P. said...

ya, stress... you can only do the things you really want or need to do that's why i'm on wondaa but if you do so much sports like sookie you can't even do the things you REALLY want to. miss u sookie < 3
(this<3 is a heart and this < 3 should be like a broken heart )

D.P proudly presented and said...

I want to make out of 33 34 comments. SOOOOOO
34 comments by now. Pround of youself??? Hein??

pine aple said...

Hein? French?
however, it´s cool that this post has so many comments i´m also super happy when you comment to new posts. :0

Anonym-Identity said...

oh soo happy...soo in love !!<=(i have a crush on winter-sry gys)...
yesterday it snowed!! <=soo happy about that !!
my horoscope sais:
winter is coming, can you feel it?(yea!!)It's time to build a snow man.Leave the classroom and build a snowman.Now!!
hehe,...sry, but it's just too awsome !! (can't help it) :))